Solimo (Amazon) epsom salt vs. Dr. Teal’s. Is the off brand better?

In the 18th-century, this delightful market town was known for the famous Salts which took their name from the town – Epsom Salts, prior to this the town had become noted as a Spa town and visitors have been flocking here since the 17th-century for the medicinal properties contained in the waters. What is epsomRead more

Lidl skincare review. Is the off brand better?

Lidk skincare review

Best low-price face cream Am I ready to dive down the rabbit hole that is skincare? Maybe – if I narrow it down to Lidl skincare because it isn’t a deep hole. Yes, Lidl has skincare and I am going to talk about the Restore moisturizing cream nighttime intensive formula. I have been using thisRead more

Kroger Gentle Skin Cleanser vs Cetaphil. Is the off brand better?

kroger cleanser review

A long-time favorite facial cleanser of people with sensitive skin is the latherless clear unscented cleanser, Cetaphil. It claims to have little to no irritating ingredients and will not strip natural oils from the skin during the cleansing process. It is soap-free, fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic. Kroger has produced a private label version of this packagedRead more